Lentitula edodes Supplement Benefits, Dosage, & Side Effects


Improved Immunity

Regular consumption of L. edodes enhances immune function by increasing cell proliferation, activation, and secretory IgA production. This is attributed to its bioactive compounds like lentinan, a beta-glucan.[1]

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties

L. edodes contains antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. Its antioxidant capacity has been demonstrated through various lab tests like DPPH and ORAC.[5]

Antimicrobial Activity

Extracts from L. edodes have shown antimicrobial activity against various strains of bacteria, yeast, and fungi, particularly effective against fungal pathogens.[5]

Cholesterol-Lowering Effects

L. edodes contains compounds like eritadenine that can help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby improving heart health.[4]

Nutritional Value

L. edodes is a rich source of essential nutrients like copper, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamin E, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.[2][4]

Several clinical trials and laboratory studies have demonstrated these health benefits of supplementing with L. edodes or its extracts. However, it's important to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplement into your routine.

Recommended Dosage for Shiitake Mushroom Supplements

EFSA Scientific Opinion

According to the EFSA scientific opinion, the proposed intake of 2.5 mL of the Lentinex® extract, containing 1 mg of lentinan (β-glucan) per mL, corresponds to 41.7 μg/kg body weight for a 60 kg person. This was considered safe as a novel food ingredient.[1]

Intravenous and Oral Supplementation

The Drugs.com database mentions that the isolated lentinan polysaccharide from shiitake culture has been used intravenously at doses of 2-10 mg, primarily in Japan. For oral supplementation, a trial used 8g/day of shiitake extract for 6 months in prostate cancer patients.[3]

Equine Study

In a study on horses, the supplemented group received 30g of whole Lentinula edodes mushrooms daily for 4 months, suggesting this amount was deemed safe for supplementation in that context.[4]

While no clear recommended dosage is provided across the sources, the following ranges can be inferred as potentially safe for supplementation in generally healthy adults:

  • For lentinan/β-glucan extracts: Around 40-50 μg/kg body weight per day[1]
  • For oral shiitake extracts: Up to 8g per day[3]
  • For whole dried shiitake mushrooms: Around 30g per day[4]

However, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplement, especially for specific conditions, allergies, or medication interactions. The appropriate dosage may vary based on individual factors and intended use.

Potential Side Effects of Consuming Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake Mushrooms)

Respiratory Issues

L. edodes can cause an interstitial hypersensitivity pneumonitis called "shiitake worker's lung" in individuals exposed to high concentrations of mushroom spores, such as mushroom workers.[1]

Skin Reactions

Consuming raw or uncooked L. edodes can lead to linear flagellated dermatitis (shiitake dermatitis), pruritus (itching), and mucosal ulcers.[2]

Gastrointestinal Issues

Ingestion of raw or uncooked L. edodes may cause fever and diarrhea.[2]

Toxic Effects

While some findings of toxic effects of L. edodes products are reported in literature, they do not seem to be reflected in the specific application or assessment cited in the search results.[4]

It's important to note that these side effects are generally associated with consuming raw or uncooked L. edodes or exposure to high concentrations of mushroom spores. Proper cooking and handling can mitigate many of these risks. However, individuals with mushroom allergies or sensitivities should exercise caution when consuming L. edodes products.[1][2]